
Showing posts from 2023

My Recovery from a Brain Injury from ECT

This story, my story is a true story of hope for the many people who have been damaged and harmed by ECT (electro convulsive therapy) over far too many years. To begin, I will mention how my brain injury from ECT affected me. First of all, I could not even read or write any more. This deeply troubled me every day as writing has been a passion of mine since I was 17 years old. I have written many books of poetry, short stories, a couple of longer stories, as well as other writings. Writing was how I was able to express myself in the way I truly wanted to. Suddenly after ECT this was all taken away from me. It was so cruel. I used to look at my bookshelves blankly, at all the books that I had collected over many years, and feel despair as I could not read them any more, let alone understand the storylines and plots. I just wanted to give up. What was the point in living any more if I could not write poetry? It really did mean this much to me. I would try to construct sentences, but I jus...

Brain Damage from ECT and the breakdown of loving and meaningful connections within the family Unit - Andy Luff

I'm Andy Luff and this is my first attempt at a blog post.  People may look upon it as either a good or bad effort. This doesn't bother me really. What I am writing about is the truth about what happened to me  and my family after I had ECT in 2015. Here goes:- I had 4 individual ECTs in the spring of 2015. Psychiatry had diagnosed me with Bipolar 2 when the problems that I was having were due to sensory overload from my Asperger's. I kept telling them this.  I was polydrugged with antidepressants and antipsychotics for 2 years before they gave me ECT, then polydrugged for another 3 years afterwards. The psychiatrists really had no idea what they were doing, using such words as "we must get the cocktail right" and "sometimes it gets worse before it gets better" when I was explaining to them about my brain injury after the ECT that I had been given. Through the denial of brain injury from ECT by psychiatry, I was pretty much abandoned emotionally by my ow...