My Recovery from a Brain Injury from ECT

This story, my story is a true story of hope for the many people who have been damaged and harmed by ECT (electro convulsive therapy) over far too many years. To begin, I will mention how my brain injury from ECT affected me. First of all, I could not even read or write any more. This deeply troubled me every day as writing has been a passion of mine since I was 17 years old. I have written many books of poetry, short stories, a couple of longer stories, as well as other writings. Writing was how I was able to express myself in the way I truly wanted to. Suddenly after ECT this was all taken away from me. It was so cruel. I used to look at my bookshelves blankly, at all the books that I had collected over many years, and feel despair as I could not read them any more, let alone understand the storylines and plots. I just wanted to give up. What was the point in living any more if I could not write poetry? It really did mean this much to me. I would try to construct sentences, but I jus...