
Showing posts from July, 2019

Intervening or Interfering?

How many people in this world, spanning decades, made it through deepest darkest despair & distress & trauma without any ‘medical intervention’? Please do not underestimate that too. When money is a driving factor in any treatment, it becomes a business, it’s no longer ‘care’. — Gisella (@ladiegiz) July 24, 2019 This tweet from fellow activist Gisella, got me thinking this morning, about how mental health professionals have positioned themselves to be the indisputable and indispensible experts when it comes to human distress and subsequent breakdown. But is that true or is it a carefully crafted illusion?  Certainly in recent days, I've seen many tweets from medics, proclaiming their vast expertise and experience, and suggesting that without a medical degree, no one else knows what they are talking about. But I challenge that position, and I'd like to try and explain why. The man standing second from the right with his arms fold...