First make sure you are not, in fact, surrounded by a**holes...

When I first saw this meme a few months ago now, it made me roar with laughter. And before anyone rushes to correct me, I don't for a moment think Freud said anything of the sort, not his style. But as a discussion point, the text no doubt has value. When I'd stopped laughing, I started to think about how true this is, and what an effect those around us can have - on our sense of self and wellbeing. Whilst I'm not suggesting that people who cause damage always deliberately set out to do so, it can be just as harmful whether done intentionally or not. Being knocked down by a car is going to be a painful experience whether it was accidental or deliberate. Emotional injuries are much the same. A relationship that had lasted for over 20 years ended for me in the last months of 2017 when, although I had suspected it was coming, I was told that I was no longer wanted. That my presence was no longer required. I offered to leave and my offer was immediately accepted. I...